Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bakers anonymous

Four dozen cookies ~ Two loaves of challah ~ One batch of blondies ~ And a partridge in a pear tree

I just can't stop. We don't need anymore baked goods but I feel an overwhelming urge to bake. Praise God, I have a husband and 4 boys that can pack away snack or two. Still I think enough is enough. I've graduated from emotional eating to emotional baking, I suppose it's an improvment. The holidays get me everytime. This year is no exception.There is the usual excitement of the season, mixed with a touch of sadness due to being far from both my family and Ted's. in addition to that we have the joy of a new niece being born, another birth of a friends baby boy as well as heartache for the sudden loss of my dear friends tiny baby boy, Reuben, and all in the same 3 day period this week. Oh and my baby is becoming such a big boy out of nowhere my children have grown so much. Ted has been working long hours and three section duty so it feels like he's missing all the holiday activities. I haven't processed it all I guess and it's manifesting it's self in my kitchen. We'll get through this and Lord willing, have a wonderful Christmas season. I have to quit the baking though or instead of ringing in the New Year I'll be rolling into it!

My name is Rebekah and I am addicted to baking.

1 comment:

Jessi Dawn said...

Looks yummy to me!! I have been having the itch to bake. I need to go get some stock for my pantry, though!! Happy eating!


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