Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bird people

We tried to be dog people, thought about being cat people, but would never have imagined becoming bird people. We were in the market for and we were stumped. What to do when the kids are terrified of dogs, the daddy is anti-cat and the fish just aren't as loving as you'd like? Birds! It took months to talk Ted into just one bird. Cracker, our beloved Quaker.
He blew us away with his loving atitude. I mean, aren't birdies just supposed to sit there, sing a bit and look pretty? Not Cracker. Oh and Ted picked out the name by the way, it's like "Polly wanna cracker" not the racial slur, in case you were wondering. Then began our birdie love. My kids go wild for birds in the pet stores and want to take them all home. Birds are not cheap, not the smarter ones anyway so we thought we'd be the parents of a single bird for quiet a while when Lucy fell in our laps. A beautiful yet neglected and mentaly just a bit off cockatiel. We were enjoying the joyful noise of a bird filled home when we came across another homeless cockatiel a wonderful and very talkative bird named Fiona. Fiona can say her name, imitate a puppy, say hello, hi and do a "catcall" type whistle. she is a cuddle bug. Unfortunatly having 2 cockatiels, one very social and one very trench coat wearing kind of anti- social just isn't for our family.
We managed to find a home for Lucy with a family that knows how to rehab neglected cockatiels. We are going to rethink taking on more birds for now , no matter how free. That is after Sunday afternoon when we may become the new family of a bonded pair of hand-fed Love Birds! Nothing like a little bird love to make the world go round...

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