Sunday, November 30, 2008

Raising good dads

My boys have taken to parenting a beat up doll we found at the thrift store. Baby, is his name, he is really just Simon's doll but all the boys have taken a liking to Baby. My boys have never really had a doll before so this is new. Hayden has asked me to find Baby a bottle. I have also found Baby tucked into Hayden's bed. As you can see I have caught Brock trying to nurse the doll while watching his Playhouse Disney. And Simon is well on his way to potty training Baby. I don't think the doll is ready to potty train but I won't get in his way. At first I was a bit worried that my boys were becoming girly but I have since come to realize that they are just trying to be good dolly dads. Of course Simon will give his Baby a big kiss and pat his little dolly back, then toss him off to the side and run off making car or gun fire noises. Still all boy! I pray for wisdom and grace everyday as we are bringing up these boys, and I thank the Lord every time he lets us have a glimpse of what are boys are becoming, strong and loving men.

1 comment:

Jessi Dawn said...

Loved this post, Rebecca!! Little boys should practice those wonderful habits that make for an amazing father! My son plays "daddy" all the time. Ofcourse, my daughter plays "mommy" as they haul around a baby doll.. Good times.

Thanks for following my blog! Hope you keep checking in and enjoy the ride!


PS It was good chatting with you Sunday.


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